
Mukoyama Brand

ムコヤマは1965年創業以来、蘭の商業的優良品種を開発、クローン苗として生産、 販売を一貫して行ってきました。 




“Excellent Tomorrow”、ムコヤマの限りない挑戦が続きます。

Excellent Tomorrow

Aim for a fusion of Nature and Technology

Mukoyama Orchids Co., Ltd has been developing and producing the commercial advanced orchids as cloned seeds since its foundation in 1965.  

We have been producing a large variety of high quality hybrids of Hybridizing the traditional Cymbidium orchid and those of Eastern/South-Eastern Asia, and Phalaenopsis which are found in South-Eastern Asia, and also ones of Miltonia and Odontoglossum which are found in the high lands of the Andes in South Amerida. 
Improvement of species of orchids started in England in the late 19th century, and spread over in developed Western Europe. 
After World War II, the USA dramatically developed a large number of orchids which were brought over from England.

Mukoyama has had a relationships with American researchers, cultivation culture traders, and Japanese academic circles of plant tissue culture to establish our present high cultivated culture techniques. At this moment, we provide a stable supply of selected high quality varieties, such as Hybridizing, Miltonia, Phalaenopsis, Zygopetalum and Paphiopedilum, all being evaluated at a high standard. 

The orchid of Mukoyamabrand are cultivated in China, Vietnam, Korea, the USA, the EU, Brazil, Colombia and Japan. Moreover, the new cultivation techniques developed by Mukoyama have been adopted with great success, and contribute to the improvement of the 
orchid culture in those foreign countries. 
We started producing mericlone seeds at our local subsidiary Wuxi Mukoyama Co., Ltd. 

in Wuxi-city, China in 2004. 
We produce the highest quality seeds in the world using the high technology developed by Mukoyama. We supply our exclusive original brand seeds to orchid fans around the world.

Mukoyama’s policy of “Aim for a fusion of Nature and Technology" leads the way to a bright future. 
We at Mukoyama Orchids will continue challenging a constant movement for an “Excellent Tomorrow” in developing life with orchids.